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The search terms with Rep./LM in brackets are relevant for HR Representatives (Rep.) and Line Managers (LM).
The search terms with HR in brackets are relevant for HR Staff.
Academic Positions (Compensation)
Academic Positions (Employment) (Rep./LM)
Authorizations to Enter Switzerland (Rep./LM) (in German)
Calculating Gross/Net Salary (Rep./LM) (in German)
Cancellation Conditions for Continuing Education Programs at UZH – Human Resources Department
Case Management (Rep./LM) (in German)
Change Authorizations (Rep./LM) (in German)
Change Bank Details (Employee Self-Service)
Change in Employment Level (Rep./LM) (in German)
Changes to Reporting/Responsibility within Department or Institute (Rep./LM) (in German)
Classification Guidelines for Academic Positions
Competence Centers (Rep./LM)
Consulting Services for Leaders and Managers (Rep./LM)
Cross-Border Commuter Permits (Rep./LM) (in German)
eDossier (Rep./LM) (in German)
eHR (Rep./LM) (in German)
Employed status / self-employed (Rep.LM)
Employee Assistance Office (MBS)
Employee Groups, see Job Categories (Rep./LM) (in German)
Employment Reference Letters (Rep./LM) (in German)
Equal Pay Analysis at the UZH
Events and Training Courses of the HR Department
Going into Retirement (Rep./LM)
Health Management (Rep./LM) (in German)
Hourly Time Sheet (Rep./LM) (in German)
HR bi de Lüt (in German)
Job Advertisements (Rep./LM) (in German)
Job Categories, List (Rep./LM) (in German)
Job Change Authorization (Rep./LM) (in German)
Job Vacancy Notice Obligation (Rep./LM) (in German)
Job Portal (Rep./LM) (in German)
Joining UZH (Rep./LM) (in German)
Junior Academic Positions (form) (Rep./LM) (in German)
Leadership and Management Principles
Leaving UZH (Rep./LM) (in German)
Lecturer Teaching / Research (Employment)
Legal Foundations (private law)
Legal Foundations (public law)
List of Job Categories (Rep./LM) (in German)
Loss-of-earnings compensation (EO)
Lump Sum Payments (Rep./LM) (in German)
Maternity/Parenthood Additional Information (Rep./LM) (in German)
MBS Employee Assistance Office
Migration Office (external website in German)
Obtaining References (Rep./LM) (in German)
Office for Economy and Labour (external website in German)
Old-age and survivors’ insurance (AHV)
Organisation Chart Human Resources (Rep./LM)
Organisation Management (Rep./LM) (in German)
Payment of Fees (See Lump Sum Payments) (Rep./LM) (in German)
Payslip (Employee Self-Service)
Paystatement (Employee Self-Service)
Personnel file (Rep./LM) (in German)
RAV (Regional Employment Centres)
Re-employment after Retirement (Rep./LM)
Recruiting (Rep./LM) (in German)
Recruitment (Rep./LM) (in German)
Residence Permits (Rep./LM) (in German)
Retirement, see also Going into Retirement (Rep./LM)
Salary Payment Monitoring (Rep./LM) (in German)
Salary Setting (Pay Category and Pay Level)
SAP HR (Rep./LM) (in German)
Seniority Allowance (DAG) (Rep./LM) (in German)
Staffing Budget (Rep./LM) (in German)
Staffing Management (Rep./LM) (in German)
Substitutes (Rep./LM) (in German)
Succession Planning (Rep./LM)
Temporary Research & Teaching Support (Rep./LM)
Top-Up Cover for Accident Insurance
Training Courses and Events of the HR Department
Transnational Social Insurance
Tutors(Rep./LM) (in German)